Monday, August 2, 2010

Team Robvierlielan...

Sure, Sure...I'm a Team robsessedward kinda gal...Robert Pattinson & Edward Cullen will always be #1 for me.

However, I have to recent months, I've needed to create a whole new team so that I can reflect my levels of obsession to the most precise degree...

Introducing, Team Robvierlielan!! Rob = well duh...vier = Xavier...lie = Charlie and lan = Kellan.  It's like the Super Hottie Team! ;)

I even made a pathetic, right? whatever ;) It was fun...AND I used the pictures that I took at the Eclipse Black Carpet, one of the highlights of 2010 :)

So? Whatcha think? Are you too a member of Team Robvierlielan? or possibly another combination team? If so, lemme know! Drop a comment with your invented team name, it'll be interesting to see what everyone comes up with!