Tuesday, June 14, 2011

GLEE Live, May 28, 2011 - Staples Center, Los Angeles

Hello!! It's not often that I'm able to post on things not related to Twilight...so, I figured, heck why not? Let's go ahead and add something on another one of my obsessions...GLEE!  It is a FANTISTICAL show!!!  I was hooked at the pilot episode aired...and have been enomored with it ever since.  Then one day...I get an email from American Express letting me know that I have an opportunity to pre-order tickets for the Glee concert! And then I forgot...of course.  THEN I remembered and asked my compadres if they wanted to go to the show and I was on the hunt for tickets :)  Thankfully, I found some...but they were in a WEIRD location...side stage in the Premier Level.  We decided to take a risk...we figured, whatever, there will be screens and we're just there to support the show and listen to the music :)

Well...the seats ended up being pretty darn good! Click on any of the pictures to see a larger view :)

Now...if you've ever read my blog before, you know that I have a love/hate relationship with my camera; love the kick-butt zoom...hate manual mode! But out of the over 200 pictures I took, these were the best :)  Unfortunately, my brain needed to move the details of the show out of my head to make room for more information so I don't remember the specifics about the show...but I will caption what I can :)  enjoy!

It is VERY difficult to focus in on 1 person when there are upwards of 15 people on stage at any given moment...LOL!!

Gosh darn that Finn...didn't face our direction enough!!

Costume change!! Almost every member was showcased in some way...so here's Brittany S. Pierce paying homage to her hero...

We got to see a little drummin' action from Finn :)

Then Mercedes popped up on the mini-stage across the arena

Costume change again :) This time they wore their "statement" shirts :D LOVE THEM!

Well lookey who we have here!  Blaine "Warbler"! :D

Wardrobe change! This time they came out lookin' like they were doing the show :)

Kurt & Rachel were doing a duet on the mini-stage across the arena...so they decided to get their sway on and goof off :)

Then it was time for Sam & Quinn to do "Lucky"

One of the funniest moments is when Brittany started hitting on Blaine...

Kurt was not too thrilled...

After he shooed Brittany away...he proposed that Blaine join the New Directions :D

Encore time! Quick change...Kurt ran to the mini-stage and did his "Single Ladies" routine!!

Then the boys came out and did "Friday"...who'd have thunk that Rebecca Black would make the Glee Live show??!

Final change and final songs...you'll notice that Blaine "Warbler" did end up joining New Directions after all!

Why ya crying Mercedes? Is it cuz Mike is yelling at ya? ;)

And there ya have it :D I had a blast...and yes, I love my camera...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Comic Con 2011 - Tips for the newbie!!

Hello Everyone!!

Wow, it's been a LONG time since I posted on my lil blogaroo...but I felt the need to impart some Twi-wisdom for the Comic Con newbie...especially when Twilight is involved.  So here 'goes!!

You may be wondering...who is this gal and what makes her qualified to share info?  Well, I'm me...and I went to Comic Con 2009 for New Moon and WOW it was an experience.  I'd read some postings on general CC experiences, but nothing from the Twi perspective...which is what I feel is my duty as a bonafied Twi-fan to help you out on  your journey into the unknown...

Q: What the heck is the difference between passes with Preview Night and day passes?
A:  In short...if you are lucky enough to have Preview Night passes then you have a PRETTY good shot at being in Hall H (presumably) for the Breaking Dawn panel.  Basically, those with preview passes will be able to get their badges/credentials on Wednesday night which means they can start the line for Hall H the day of the Breaking Dawn panel VERY VERY early.  Here's my tip...if you have a day-pass...get to the line for credentials AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE so that you can immediately run for the inevitable line for Hall H that's on the opposite end of the convention center.  Then RUN, yes RUN to the Hall H line (if you're lucky, have friends who already have their badges save you a place in line!) 

Q: What should I expect while I'm in line?
A:  What's that saying that the boy/girl scouts have? That's right..BE PREPARED! You're going to want to at least bring a blanket to sit on...I would not recommend bringing out an entire arsenal of camping gear for the line unless you are parked close or don't mind the trek back to the car before they let you into Hall H.  You'll definitely have a hard time breaking down a bunch of chairs and stuff before the line rushes in once the doors open!  Be sure to remember the essentials...drinks/snacks and reading materials!  You're going to be there for A LONG TIME.  Oh, you may also want to bring air freshener since you may have to use the lovely porto-potties.  An unfortunate side-effect to waiting in line will be the general and outwardly open discussion about how Twilight has ruined comic-con...and the hostility that may come with it.  I thanked my lucky stars that I did not have any Twi-gear on because everyone around me was UPSET that Twilight people had taken over the con; mostly they're upset that due to us, they wouldn't make it into Hall H to see the other panels.  If you're lucky, you'll find other Twi-fans in line and just grow a thick skin to the inevitable comments that will be said throughout the day.

No running? Fine...BRISKLY WALK to the closest seats to the stage!
Q: What happens when the doors open for Hall H?
A:  You will most likely feel the need to run...I don't recommend it...however, you may need to walk briskly through the sets of doors to get into the hall and find a seat as close as possible to the stage.  They'll try to lure you with food...IGNORE IT until you have your seat! 

Q: Can I bring a camera?
A:  Yep!! it's a fan convention after all!  But here's some advice...make sure your batteries are charged/new, know your camera's settings for low-light situations, have it ready at ALL times, and if you're brave enough to film video while they show clips of the upcoming film be sure to hide your camera well because if someone sees you filming...you may have to deal with the comic-con-thorities ;)

Here are a few pictures that we took with my Canon S1X IS (which is 1 step above a normal, point & shoot digital camera and 1 step below a Digital SLR)  Keep in mind that we used no flash (you MUST have a steady hand and take a lot of pictures...you'll end up with some blurry shots but you may be lucky to land a few good ones), low ISO and high shutter speed.

If you're sitting far from the stage and your zoom isn't that good there's ALWAYS the option to take pictures of the many screens they  have throughout the hall.

Q: Am I stuck in the seats that I find when I get into the hall?
A: NEVER! Always be on the look-out for seats that will inevitably open up as the day progresses!  More than likely, the Breaking Dawn panel won't be til later in the day...so as regular comic-connies leave the hall, quickly gather your things and move up.  You'll want to be as close to the stage as possible to breathe in that Twi-cast air ;)  of course, it'll also help out with any picture/video taking you plan on doing.

Q: What's the best way to talk to the cast?
A:  Get into the question line for the Breaking Dawn panel early! Oh and also make sure you have multiple questions...because odds are your question will be asked before you make it up the mic. 

Q: Is there anything else I'll want to do while I'm there?
A:  Yes...enjoy yourself and check out the schedule for the day!  You may find another panel that you'd like to sit in on...autograph sessions, booths in the general area are great to check out, people watching (there are some INTERESTING costumes that roam those halls).  But also be prepared to see some pretty high-powered Hollywood types there! Throughout the years, Comic Con has grown from the little comic book convention to the Hollywood red-carpet events!  Don't be surprised if your panel includes a majority of the stars...in fact, for us we had quite the surprise when producer Tim Burton brought his "little friend" out while he showed us never before seen scenes from Alice in Wonderland...

So always...ALWAYS have your camera out and be prepared for anything!

One other word of advice...watch out for Summit announcements about screenings!  A little bit before comic con, Summit announced that they rented out a movie theater and would show Twilight for all of the fans. Of course, as you know, they included a BUNCH of cast members including the Twi-fecta!!  This is the BEST opportunity you'll have to see them all, up close and personal :) again, have your camera ready and know your low-light settings...unfortunately I didn't do too well with the pictures but a few came out pretty good :)

Well...there ya have it!  Those are the little pearls of wisdom that I can impart for you, the comic con newbie!  Have fun, take lots of pictures and tweet tweet tweet all your updates! If you're going, lemme know...I'd love to RT ya throughout the day!